Founded in 1982, BMH Ltd (BMH) is an investment holding company which is part of the Constance Group. The Company’s asset portfolio is mainly geared towards multi-sector activities & commerce, hospitality and financial services. Its top 3 holdings are namely Hotelest Limited, IBL Ltd and AfrAsia Bank Ltd.
BMH is listed on the official market of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius..
Top 5 Holdings
in MUR 'M as at 31 December 2023
Afrasia Bank Ltd
Hotelest Ltd
MCB Group Ltd
Pick "N" Eat Ltd

IBL is the largest business group in Mauritius, commanding the highest market capitalisation, excluding banking institutions, on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius. IBL comprises more than 24,815 team members and 311 companies across 9 business clusters and is active in 18 countries.

Hotelest Limited (Hotelest) is the parent company of Constance Hotels Services Ltd (CHSL), holding 51% of the share capital of the latter. Recognised for its excellence in luxury hospitality and golf management, CHSL is a hospitality player which manages and operates five hotels, three in Mauritius and two in the Maldives. CHSL also holds equity participation and management contracts in two hotels in the Seychelles and one in Madagascar.
BMH holds a stake of 69.4% in Hotelest.
Hotelest is listed on the Development & Enterprise Market (DEM), the secondary market of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius.

With its headquarters in Mauritius and a representative office in South Africa, AfrAsia Bank positions itself as a banking institution which develops flexible financing and investment solutions with a view to building bridges between Africa, Asia and the world.